Monday, December 6, 2010

Graffiti mark up

GML = Graffiti Markup Language from Evan Roth on Vimeo.
 I dont know about you, but personally when i see some dipshit tagging a wall to claim his click or krew i get a little upset. Its one thing to say that wall is concrete, plain, and ugly, i will change that, take something ugly and make it better, shit paint it brown for all i care. I dont want to see your 3rd grade hand writing littering the streets, its people like this that give graffiti a bad name, who said that art doesnt belong in the streets? in every day life? Slowly but surely people / Boise are getting it and there are more and more public art pieces around just because, gotta love it. The more art work i notice the more crap tags i notice that have zero time put into them but were simply written to say I was here, ima lil hellion, now clean up after me.  With that said on the other end of the spectrum, i enjoy causing a little ruckus, making people clean up after me, not every one is perfect and who doesnt like the red headed step child of adventure, trouble. This video shows some alternative methods of graffiti and its place within modern technology including a light sensitive photo wall that can be used like a regular wall and displays what your painting, pretty cool :) Sorry to rant, keep taggin, keep destroying,and please take away spray cans from bums and your friends who write like they have a hook.

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