Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Post project Disasters

First the foremost the extension of the body project... DAMNIT!!! i should have just left this shit, the shellac still didn't harden and now my shirt which used to be perfectly aligned and exactly how i wanted it but not freestanding is now a freestanding pile of steaming shit. not only am i pissed that my project turned out like this but this was an expensive ass project, seriously.. over 50 dollars for a failed project. its particularly frustrating because now i have to have it critiqued, which is just annoying, i feel like i have nothing to show for except a hole in the pocket. I feel like i'm just so mad and disappointed because when it comes to stuff like this, art with unconventional mediums, you need to be the one who is practical and solves the problems allowing you to complete the project you desire. i failed in that mission for this project, i took a leap of faith and instead of noticing that this probably wouldn't work i just kept covering it in shellac. another problem was my choice of materials and the fact i used a flannel shirt and not a regular dress shirt.. stupid stupid stupid. Well epic fail for this project sir, bummer. Next time on a brighter note i really liked this idea and really want to find a way to make these out of plaster or something actually rock hard and use this same idea because i feel like there is a lot of ideas and values to convey in clothing minus the human form constantly associated with it. hopefully next time i will think things through a little more and not end up in this situation, disappointing either way, note to self try to avoid large last minute modifications....

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