Wednesday, October 27, 2010

5 body implication Artists.

Matthew Barney : American artist, works mostly in sculpture and short film as his medium, between 1994 and 2002 he created a series of short films called the cremaster cycle, considered one of the best avant-garde films of all time. Barney is from BOISE IDAHO, rep. rep! He caught national attention for his idea of drawing constraints and drawing in weird places like jumping on a tramp, drawing up on stilts, silly stuff like that, pretty sick idea but not a lot of quality art to show, the finished product isnt much and that disappoints me because for ME its about the journey but more importantly the destination, i really enjoy the finished, physical product of your tedious labor.. this dude is friggin nuts man.

“I am a lonely runner, but I am a long-distance runner.” as said by Louise Bourgeois, this quote really stood out to me, i think i could be surrounded by ten of my closest friends and still find a way to feel lonely so the way i interpret that is meaningful to me. Louise was a french-american artist specializing in spider scupltures earning her the nick name spider woman, she also started making sculputres of betrayal, fucked up house holds, anxiety, loneliness,  forced intimacy, etc..  ha yes many know the feelings. Many of these feelings were said to come from a traumatizing situation as a child where she found out her English teacher was also his fathers mistress... tiga tigga woods yall! Sorry but all of our parents do messed up shit, get used to it.  And the spider above is one of my most favorite things EVER!


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